Articles for author: PPTA


Taking time out to study

Head of Arts at Waimate High School, Nicole Solomon, has swapped the art room for the lecture theatre to return to university this year and further her goals as a lifelong learner. Nicole, who already has a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFa) and GradDip Teaching Secondary, is studying toward a Masters in Māori and Indigenous ...


Your 2023 Presidential Team

PPTA Te Wehengarua members have re-elected Melanie Webber as their president for a third term. Melanie, a media studies teacher at Western Springs College Ngā Puna o Waiōrea,  says one of her key goals for 2023 is to get a satisfactory settlement of the secondary teachers’ collective agreement. “We desperately need to stem the tide ...


Pressing pause on RAS

The huge changes that lie ahead for secondary education have exciting potential and are absolutely necessary to improve education for kaiako and ākonga alike but we need to take a pause on some aspects to ensure we get the best possible outcomes long term, PPTA Te Wehengarua national executive member, Louise Ryan, told Annual Conference. ...


Introducing your representative in a range of professional fora

In her first year as a secondary teacher, Louise Ryan was shoulder tapped and encouraged to get actively involved in PPTA Te Wehengarua – and she hasn’t stopped. Louise is Head of Media Studies at Western Springs College Ngā Puna o Waiōrea. “I’m incredibly lucky to currently work at a school where the support of ...


End of academic streaming in sight

When Daniel Hāpuka’s son was in his last year of high school in 2015, he was told he was not a suitable candidate for NCEA Level 3 Maths and Science, despite having passed Levels 1 and 2. “My wife and I kept fighting for this young Māori lad who was ours and we ended up ...


Secondary teachers set date for first national strike

“After three years of constant disruption, secondary teachers would love nothing more than a settled 2023 for our students and ourselves,” says PPTA Te Wehengarua acting president Chris Abercrombie. “We have been in negotiations for a new collective agreement since May last year so there has been plenty of time for the Government to make ...


School attendance initiatives welcome – but more is needed

Chris Abercrombie, acting president of PPTA Te Wehengarua, says more school attendance officers are a welcome addition but schools need more pastoral and guidance staff to be the ambulance at the top of the cliff. “We desperately need more pastoral and guidance staff in our schools to help identify the students who are struggling, for ...


PPTA Te Wehengarua Strike Day activities Thursday 16 March 2023

This Thursday PPTA Te Wehengarua secondary and area school members will be striking in protest at the lack of support in our collective agreement negotiations.  Huge thanks to regional and branch officers who have been organising activities in your communities on the day. The schedule of what is happening around the motu is here Strike ...


Secondary and area school teachers plan more industrial action

“PPTA Te Wehengarua members have shown they are serious about getting a new collective agreement with salaries and conditions that will stem the worsening secondary teacher shortage throughout the motu,” says Chris Abercrombie, acting president of PPTA Te Wehengarua.   Members voted in an electronic ballot this week, for a one-day national strike next Wednesday ...