Articles for author: PPTA


Te Petihana Reo Māori celebrations

Te Petihana Reo Māori was delivered to Parliament on 14 September 1972. Credit – Stuff Ltd. Sir James Henare’s words, “Kua tawhiti kē to haerenga mai, kia kore e haere tonu. He nui rawa o mahi, kia kore e mahi tonu.” (“You have come too far not to go further, you have done too much ...


A teacher’s tips for managing stress

Building recovery time into her busy-ness is the most important tip that English teacher Eliza Bartlett picked up from a recent resilience-building workshop. The THRIVE online research-based workshops, run by Victoria University of Wellington, are funded by PPTA Te Wehengarua including paying for relief. “The main thing I’ve taken away from the workshop is the ...


Celebrating The Correspondence School’s centenary

Going the Distance – 100 years of Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu – The Correspondence School By Gael Woods 2022 (Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu) When a grand old lady reaches 100 years she deserves a biography and that’s what Going theDistance is – an account of the history of Te Aho o ...


Taking time out to study

Head of Arts at Waimate High School, Nicole Solomon, has swapped the art room for the lecture theatre to return to university this year and further her goals as a lifelong learner. Nicole, who already has a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFa) and GradDip Teaching Secondary, is studying toward a Masters in Māori and Indigenous ...


Government ignores its own evaluations of Learning Support Coordinators

Earlier this year, as part of negotiations for a new collective agreement for area school teachers, PPTA Te Wehengarua claimed improvements to pay and conditions, i.e. greater recognition of the roles, for Learning Support Coordinators. Area schools teach students from Year 1 to through to Year 13 in rural communities of Aotearoa New Zealand. The ...


School attendance report hugely concerning – more time and resources needed

“As the Education Review Office report released today shows, the factors that are resulting in fewer ākonga attending school regularly are wide-ranging and complex and there is no easy fix.  Missing Out: Why aren’t our children going to school? However, teachers know what is needed. “As the Education Review Office report released today (Thursday 10 ...


Secondary teachers meet to respond to Government offer

The first meetings will be held tomorrow (Monday 28 November) in Dunedin, Queenstown and Auckland. The secondary teachers’ union, PPTA Te Wehengarua, has been in negotiations with the Ministry of Education for about six months. PPTA Te Wehengarua’s claims for new collective agreements for its secondary and area school teacher members include a cost of ...


Government offers rejected resoundingly by secondary principals and teachers

The government’s offer across all four collective agreements includes a pay offer over two years well below the projected cost of living. Schools would seriously struggle to recruit and retain specialist subject teachers at the pay rates proposed. The offers failed to address key conditions and staffing claims made by principals and teachers including claims ...


Ministry’s teacher supply model over optimistic – PPTA

“While there is nothing wrong mathematically with the model, we think some of the assumptions that it is based on are not realistic. “The results of our teacher supply survey, carried out back in May, painted a pretty dire picture, and we have every reason to believe the situation has deteriorated since then.” The survey ...


A new year of discontent

More than thanks. That’s the campaign slogan of our New South Wales Teachers’ Federation colleagues who are heading into the second year of their push to achieve better wages and conditions for their members. They’ve been out four times, fined by the government, and are still yet to achieve a settlement. Meanwhile international research describes ...