PPTA Te Wehengarua members have re-elected Melanie Webber as their president for a third term.
Melanie, a media studies teacher at Western Springs College Ngā Puna o Waiōrea, says one of her key goals for 2023 is to get a satisfactory settlement of the secondary teachers’ collective agreement. “We desperately need to stem the tide of secondary teacher shortages – every student in Aotearoa New Zealand deserves a specialist secondary teacher.
“PPTA’s vision for education talks of having the space to experience the ‘surprise and delight’ of watching learning unfold. That’s what I want for us. Well that, and being able to afford to live. Pay and conditions must make sure that we are not only attracting teachers into, but also retaining them in, the profession
Speaking up for what is right for schools
“We know that it is teachers that make the difference in the classroom, and yet all too often we are worn down by administrivia and continual underfunding. We are facing a significant crisis in staffing our schools.
“Now more than ever we need to be speaking up for what is right for schools, for students and for teachers. I am proud to be a part of a union that does this, and I am hugely proud to be chosen again to speak on members’ behalf.”
Melanie says another key goal of her next term as president is to ensure that the rollout of changes to the NCEA is adequately resourced and supported. “Getting these changes right is crucial for our rangatahi and their life chances. The changes to NCEA must be carefully planned, developed, tested and implemented – we need to ensure teachers are given adequate time and support to do this.”
Standing together in solidarity
Chris Abercrombie, a history teacher at James Hargest High School in Invercargill, has been re-elected Junior Vice President. “The next year is a vital one for our profession. The pressures that have been placed onto teachers have continued to increase significantly, with the impact of COVID, the NCEA change package, and the curriculum refreshes/rebuilds.
“Having been Junior Vice President for the previous two years I have gained the experience needed to fight for members at this time of great change. I understand the many obstacles and concerns we face in our daily working lives. I’ve also felt the incredible joy and sense of pride that we all have as teachers within our classrooms and schools.
“We are all part of the journey; all our teachers are paddling in the same waka. When we stand together in solidarity, we bring out the best, we can achieve this goal.”
Supporting kaiako Māori
PPTA Te Wehengarua will have a new Māori Vice President next year – Te Aomihia Taua-Glassie, leader of learning, Te Reo Māori, at Tikipunga High School. Te Aomihia says she plans to focus on policy changes to advance Māori education, Māori student aspirations and Māori teacher opportunities. “We need to encourge and recruit more Māori into teaching and ensure that our new kaiako, particulary new kaiako Māori, are supported so we can keep them in the profession.”
All the presidential terms begin in January 2023.