Invest in Teachers, Invest in Aotearoa

Despite being a ‘super Pollyanna’, PPTA Te Wehengarua President Melanie Webber says she is struggling in the face of the huge challenges facing secondary education at the moment.

Speaking at the launch in Tāmaki Makaurau of PPTA’s Collective Agreement campaign, Invest in Teachers, Invest in Aoteaora, Melanie Webber said teachers’ workloads are increasing. “Wellbeing is suffering and our pay is shrinking. Soon there may not be enough teachers for the number of students.

STCA claims will meet challenges

“These challenges can and will be solved if the Government agrees to our collective agreement claims that include a cost of living-adjusted pay rise, more staffing for pastoral care, release time for self-directed professional development, new roles for Māori and Pasifika community liaison and recognition for teachers who are expert in Māori language and culture.

‘Now, more than ever, it is crucial that the Government invests in teachers. We plant the seeds for rangatahi, communities and our country to grow.

Teaching must be a first-choice career

“Our vision for education is of schools as places for all students to get ahead and for teachers to experience the surprise and delight of watching learning unfold. Teaching should be rich in experiences, exciting and fun. Teaching must be seen as a first choice career that can last a lifetime – a career with a future.”

Tina Peters, a kaiako Māori at Takapuna Grammar School, urged members to fight for what they wanted.  “As kaiakao Māori we are used to fighting for things – in a nice way. If we don’t do this for ourselves and our rangatahi, we are enabling the Ministry to keep piling stuff on top of us.”

Big ups to PPTA Te Wehengarua members in Canterbury who, not to be outdone by their Tāmaki Makaurau colleagues, held their own campaign launch simultaneously.