Articles for author: PPTA
Māori Teachers’ Conference 2022
Wellington’s Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa was host for the first time to the PPTA Te Wehengarua Māori Teachers’ Conference. More than 200 teachers filled the museum, on Wellington’s waterfront, for the 27th hui, appropriately themed ‘Kua tawhiti kē tō haerenga mai, kia kore e haere tonu. You’ve come too far, not to ...
Time to take a breath
In the recent Navigating Leadership Hui for School Leaders, Education Minister Chris Hipkins talked about how somedays it feels like everything is on fire. Speaking to teachers at our conferences over the term break, it sounded like the entire term had been on fire, and that the first person to start promoting “I survived Term ...
PPTA wins call back case
A recent decision handed down in the Employment Court completely vindicates PPTA advice to members about their hours of work and when schools are not open for instruction. The case relates to a dispute that arose in 2012 when the then PPTA Te Wehengarua branch chair at Rodney College claimed actual and reasonable costs for ...
Call for nominations for Komiti Pasifika
PPTA Te Wehengarua recognises the particular needs of Pacific Island teachers and students, and is committed to the promotion of policies and programmes to address their professional, industrial and cultural issues. This work is co-ordinated regionally through local Pasifika networks and Regional Pasifika coordinators and nationally through PPTA’s Komiti Pasifika Nominations are invited for six ...
Education under COVID: Research Project
Tēnā koutou kātoa QPEC is a community organisation committed to quality public education. We have teamed up with education unions to investigate the experiences of teachers and teaching assistants teaching online during Covid lockdown and after. We have designed a survey for all those involved in teaching, as teachers and support staff, during the various ...
Invest in teachers, invest in Aotearoa
“Ensuring that rangatahi have the knowledge, skills, agility and resilience they need is at the heart of Aotearoa New Zealand’s COVID-19 recovery and its future. It’s a hugely exciting and demanding ask. Teachers need to be well supported and rewarded – invest in teachers, invest in Aotearoa,” says Melanie Webber, PPTA Te Wehengarua President. Melanie ...
NCEA mitigations the boost students need
“Hundreds of thousands of rangatahi have had their most critical years at high school severely disrupted because of COVID and through no fault of their own. These credits are the boost they need to ensure they can get on to the tertiary pathway of their choice or move to where they deserve to be in ...
Wellbeing at heart of secondary principals’ collective agreement claim
Cathy Ewing, principal of Nelson College for Girls and member of the negotiating team, says the principals’ claim recognises the impact that workload and demands of the pandemic have had, and continue to have, on principals. “The last three years have been extremely disruptive for school communities – the era before March 2020 seems idyllic ...