
City Centre Tempo

Footfall Count and Spend, both from Heart of the City, show those two crucial factors to business success holding up despite a wider downturn in economic activity. Comparative areas saw a -5% decline in the same period, indicating that resilience in the city centre. Spend is research by Marketview only for the HOTC area.

Data on crime is taken from NZ Police and is comparing an average of the most recent available three months (Feb-April 2024) to the average of those three months a year prior. Theft has halved since it’s peak in January 2023, other measures are more consistent, with recent smaller declines.  Assaults includes Sexual Assault and Robbery. The data is for the Auckland Central East, West, City Marinas and Harbourside.

Office leasing is via Colliers Auckland CBD Office Report | First Half 2024. That is the vacancy rate, which is now at its lowest level since December 2021.

Student Numbers are via UOA and AUT, and include students at the City and Grafton campus.

Mode share data is from Auckland Transport, and is only for 7-9am. This is an average of the most recent three months (March-April-May) compared year over year.