NZ Government

New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute Boards Appointment

Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka has confirmed the appointment of Fletcher Tabuteau as Chair of the Te Puia New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute (NZMACI) Board. 

Mr Tabuteau (Ngāti Ngāraranui, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ngāti Whakaue) was a teacher at Rotorua Boys’ High School, a lecturer in Economics, and head of the Business School at Waiariki Institute of Technology. He now runs Hoporona Consulting and serves as Director of Capital Government Relations and Communications. 

“I want to congratulate Fletcher on his appointment to the New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute Board,” says Mr Potaka.

“His experience in governance, management, and business will be an asset to the Board and the important work they do to encourage and promote ahurea and toi Māori.”

Located in Rotorua, NZMACI is home to Te Wānanga Whakairo Rākau (National Wood Carving School), Te Takapū o Rotowhio (National Stone and Bone Carving School), and Te Rito o Rotowhio (National Weaving School).

With a 60-year legacy, NZMACI has a strong history of producing highly skilled crafts people. 

“At its core, NZMACI fosters the protection and transfer of mātauranga Māori. It is an integral part of the Rotorua economy and the wider Māori economy, contributing to the sustainable development of scenic and tourist attractions in the Rotorua district and across the motu.”

He Whakatūnga ki Te Puia

Kua whakatūturungia e te Minita Whanaketanga Māori, e Tama Potaka, te whakatūngia o Fletcher Tabuteau hei Upoko o te Poari o Te Puia (NZMACI).

He pouako o mua a Mr Tabuteau (Ngāti Ngāraranui, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ngāti Whakaue) i Te Kura Tuarua mō ngā Taitama o Rotorua, he pūkenga i te Mātai Ōhanga, ko ia hoki te upoko o te Kura Pakihi i Te Whare Takiura o Waiariki. Ko tāna i āianei he whakahaere i te Hoporona Consulting, he noho hoki hei Kaiarataki i ngā Hononga Rawa ā-Kāwanatanga me ngā Pāpāhotanga.

“E tōmina ana au ki te whakamānawatanga o Fletcher i tāna whakatū atu ki te Poari o Te Puia,” te kupu a Potaka.

“Ka whai hua mārika te Poari i ōna wheako i ngā ao o te kāwanatanga, te whakahaerenga, me te pakihi, ā, ka whai hua hoki ki ā rātou mahi i te akiākina me te whakatairangahia o te ahurea me te toi Māori.”

Kei Rotorua te NZMACI, ā, koia tērā ko te kāinga o Te Wānanga Whakairo Rākau, Te Takapū o Rotowhio, me Te Rito o Rotowhi.

E 60 tau te whakapapa o NZMACI, ā, kua roa nei tāna whakaputanga i ngā pūkenga me ngā ringa rehe.

“I tōna iho, ko tā NZMACI he poipoi i te tiakina me te whāngaia o te mātauranga Māori. He wāhanga hirahira hoki nō te ōhanga o Rotorua me te ōhanga Māori whānui, nā, e whāngai ana i te whanaketanga toitūtanga o ngā whakapoapoatanga ā-taiao, ā-tūruhi hoki i Rototua, puta hoki nei i te motu.

“Mā te whakatū ngā mātanga pūmanawa ki ngā taraipiunara me ngā poari e kino ai te painga o te whakapakarihia o te ōhanga, me te tukuna o ngā ratonga tūmatanui pai ake.”